Groupe Richer
You may not be aware of this, but grass has many benefits for you and the environment.
Natural air conditioner
Thanks to evapotranspiration, grassed areas lower the temperature by up to 14°C compared with paved areas and 39°C compared with synthetic sod, resulting in a reduction in urban heat islands.
Soil erosion control
Put end to end, the roots and rootlets of a single grass plant can be up to 625 kilometres long! Thanks to the density of its fibrous root system, grass protects the soil from erosion.
Less runoff
Sod acts like a sponge in the event of a storm by retaining rainwater. 10,000 ft2 of grassed area can absorb more than 23,000 litres of water, preventing contaminants from reaching watercourses.
Oxygen production
2,500 ft2 of grassed area produces enough oxygen for a family of four! Thanks to its large leaf area per square inch, one acre of grass produces enough oxygen for 64 people a year.
Noise reduction
Grass absorbs sound better than hard surfaces or bare ground, reducing noise levels by up to 40%. Other studies show that grass verges alongside motorways reduce noise by 8 to 10 decibels.
Property values
Lawns, with their neat, fresh, natural look, contribute significantly to a pleasant visual environment and increase property values by 15-20%.
Better air quality
In the United States, the total grassed area traps 12 million ton of dust and pollutants every year, equivalent to 80,000 blue whales weighing 150 tons each!
Carbon sequestration
A well-tended lawn acts as a remarkable carbon sink thanks to the extraordinary density of its leaf and root biomass. In fact, it is estimated that total grassed area in the United States captures 5% of the CO2 in the atmosphere!
Better biodiversity
As well as the various plant species often found in sod, a healthy lawn is home to billions of insects, bacteria, fungi, and other microbes. The earthworm population alone can number 275,000 individuals per 10,000 ft2!
Exposure to grass reduces blood pressure, stimulates the immune system, speeds up healing, reduces stress, improves productivity, and reduces allergens when properly maintained.
Dense, well-maintained grass provides a safe playing surface thanks to its cushioned thatch. In addition to its sport safety features, it also reduces unpleasant glare problems and prevents fire from spreading.
Help with bioremediation
Bacteria, fungi, and other soil micro-organisms that live in the root system of grass can break down pollutants that too often end up in the soil.